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Does Your Hospital Really Need a Revenue Cycle Management Company in Texas?

When it comes to healthcare revenue cycle management, there are a lot of options available. A hospital can choose to handle its needs internally or it can turn to an external group like Atlantic RCM. RCM is an acronym for Revenue Cycle Management and these companies help hospitals improve their processes and save money. They also work with other healthcare organizations including surgery centers, pharmacies, and more.

What is a Revenue Cycle Management Company and what do they do?

A revenue cycle management (RCM) company is a third-party vendor that helps hospitals with their billing and payment processes. RCM companies can help improve your hospital's revenue cycle management by reducing bad debt, reducing DNFB days, finding ways to improve collections, identifying the areas you need assistance in, and helping you develop a more efficient billing process for clinicians and coding.

How does a Revenue Cycle Management company positively impact the ROI of a hospital?

The ROI of a revenue cycle management company is the difference between the amount of money you spend on the company and the amount of money you make from it. The ROI of a revenue cycle management company is a measure of how much money a hospital makes from its investment in a revenue cycle management company. The return on your investment (ROI) varies depending on which stage in your process improvement journey you are currently at and what phase in your project lifecycle you’re looking to achieve.

How does a Revenue Cycle Management company help reduce DNFB days?

Revenue Cycle Management companies can help hospitals reduce DNFB days by helping them improve collections, reduce bad debt and increase patient satisfaction. A revenue cycle management company can help you improve collections by using technology to automate billing and collections processes. Hospitals have used this technology for years when they have done their own billing, but now many hospitals outsource their revenue cycle management to a third-party company that uses sophisticated software programs. These programs are designed to streamline the process of receiving claims from health insurance companies, processing those claims electronically through an electronic health record (EHR) system, and providing payment advice back to patients so they know when they can expect reimbursement.

How does a Revenue Cycle Management company improve accounts receivables?

The primary benefit of an RCM company is that it improves your accounts receivable. The following are the ways in which a hospital can improve its accounts receivables with the help of an RCM company: *Reduce Accounts Receivables – The main job of any RCM company is to reduce the amount of money owed to you by patients and other third parties. This can be done in many different ways, such as negotiating lower rates with insurance companies or helping out with billing paperwork so that you don’t get charged late fees. *Improve Collections – A good RCM company will help you collect more money from patients who still owe for their services at your hospital. *Decrease DNFB Days (Days Not Finalized) – If a patient does not pay their bill on time, it takes longer for them to be considered legal in terms of payment because there has been no finalization on their part yet; therefore, they must wait until their account becomes finalized before they can receive any further treatment or service at your facility. But if they were able to pay off previous debts before being admitted again (and thus avoid having those debts haunt them), then this would allow them immediate access without needing further authorization from insurance companies - thus decreasing overall delays between the initial visit and second visit due to non-payment issues."

How does a Revenue Cycle Management company help with bad debt?

There are many ways a revenue cycle management company can help with bad debt. A more efficient system is one way, by streamlining processes and reducing bottlenecks. The second way is by reducing the number of days it takes to collect once a patient leaves the hospital. This will reduce bad debt while also increasing cash flow for your hospital. Thirdly, hospitals with high-performing RCM programs have found that they're able to increase their collections as well as decrease their days in receivables when compared to other hospitals without an RCM program or those using traditional service providers. Why do hospitals need revenue cycle management companies? If you own a hospital, you know that the revenue cycle is crucial to your survival and financial performance. Revenue cycle management companies can help hospitals improve their financial performance by reducing bad debt, improving patient satisfaction, and reducing collections days.

A revenue cycle management company can add value to your hospital and make your job easier.

The first thing that a revenue cycle management company can do is help with collections. Collections are one of the most time-consuming tasks for a hospital billing team. It requires phone calls, emails, letters, and sometimes even personal visits to collect money owed from patients or their insurance companies. This process is time-consuming and can be frustrating for both parties involved (the hospital and the patient). It may be hard for patients to pay their bills in full if they are struggling financially or have inadequate insurance coverage so it’s important that a revenue cycle management company is able to assist with this task so that hospitals can focus on other areas of their operations instead. Secondly, RCM companies also help by minimizing bad debt losses due to late payment penalties which will ultimately reduce financial losses due to non-payments over time without increasing costs associated with collecting unpaid claims upfront before submitting them into collections departments at each individual facility where they work out deals upfront when possible giving patients more options like paying upfront with credit cards rather than waiting until later when payments become past due resulting in less revenue overall due those fees being charged per state laws/rules governing health care providers such as ours here locally where we live!

Revenue Cycle Management Company in Texas

If you are a hospital administrator, it is important to understand the ROI of a revenue cycle management company in Texas. You may also want to know what an RCM company can do for your hospital. Revenue Cycle Management Company in Texas help you with billing and collections, patient financial services (PFS), insurance verification and coordination, and other related tasks. They generally work with hospitals that have large volume operations or complex reimbursement methodologies. The goal of these companies is to help hospitals improve their cash flow through the reduction of bad debts and increased collections by streamlining their business processes.

Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management Services

Healthcare revenue cycle management services can help you reduce bad debt, improve collections, and increase revenues. Many hospitals also use RCM to improve their cash flow and reduce DNFB days. These services may also include a reduction in the cost of collections by reducing volume while increasing overall recovery rates.


If your hospital is looking to improve its revenue cycle and cut down on bad debt, then it might be time to consider a revenue cycle management company. This provides valuable insight into how they can help with your accounts receivable and collections process. If you are interested in learning more about this service from Atlantic RCM, contact us today!


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